061: Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised ( 零地点突破・改, Zero Chiten Toppa Kai ?).060: Dying Will Zero Point Breakthrough ( 死ぬ気の零地点突破, Shinuki no Zero Chiten Toppa ?).059: Relieving Everyone ( 援護する者たち, Engo suru mono-tachi ?).058: Flame of Wrath ( 憤怒の炎, Fundo no honō ?).056: Gokudera's Story ( ごくでらのはなし, Gokudera no hanashi ?).054: The Guardian of the Cloud's Charge ( 雲の守護者の暴走, Kumo no shugosha no bōsō ?).053: A Taste of Anxiety ( 一抹の不安, Ichimatsu no fuan ?).052: The Truth of the Mist ( 霧の真実, Kiri no shinjitsu ?).050: The Guardian of the Mist, Arrives!? ( 霧の守護者、来る!?, Kiri no shugosha, kuru!?).048: The Match's Whereabouts ( 勝負の行方, Shōbu no yukue ?).047: The Strongest, Invincible Sword Style ( 最強無敵の流派, Saikyō muteki no ryūha ?).046: A Reason to Fight ( 戦う理由, Tatakau riyū ?).045: Raging Waves of the Storm Battle ( 怒涛の嵐戦, Dotō no arashi-sen ?).044: The Stolen Sky Ring ( 奪われた大空のリング, Ubawareta Ōzora no Ringu ?).043: Thunder Strike of 20 Years Later ( 20年後の雷撃, 20-nen-go no raigeki ?).042: The Power to Rebound Adversity ( 逆境をはね返す力, Gyakkyō o hanekaesu chikara ?).041: The Feelings of the Guardian of the Sun ( 晴の守護者の思い, Hare no shugosha no omoi ?).039: The Invisible Enemies Goal is? ( 見えざる敵の目的は, Miezaru teki no mokuteki wa ?).038: The Selfish Child's Disappearance ( ワガママ子牛の失踪, Wagamama ko'ushi no shissō ?).037: Teacher and Student Combination, Assembled ( 師弟コンビ、揃う, Shitei konbi, sorou ?).033: Summer Vacation Ruined by Loans? ( 借金まみれの夏休み?, Shakkin mamire no natsu-yasumi?).032: A Shark in the Public Pool ( 市民プールに鮫が出た, Shimin pūru ni same ga deta ?).031: Welcoming at Mafia Land ( おいでませマフィア 島 ( ランド ), Oidemase Mafia Rando ?).030: Hide and Seek on a Cruise Ship ( 豪華客船でかくれんぼ, Gōka kyakusen de kakurenbo ?).027: Eat Sushi to Celebrate Promotion ( 進級祝いで寿司食って, Shinkyū iwai de sushi kutte ?).026: The End and From Then On ( 終わりとそれから, Owari to sore kara ?).025: I Want to Win! Instant Awakening ( 勝ちたい!目覚めの瞬間, Kachitai! Mezame no shunkan ?).024: Everyone's Counterattack ( それぞれの反撃, Sorezore no hangeki ?).023: The Last Dying Will Bullet ( 最後の死ぬ気弾, Saigo no shinuki-dan ?).022: The Unexpected Demonic Leader ( 予期せぬ魔手, Yokisenu mashu ?).021: Injured Friends ( 傷つく友たち, Kizutsuku tomo-tachi ?).020: Abrupt Attack ( 突然の襲撃, Totsuzen no shūgeki ?).019: 100% Accuracy? Ranking Everything ( 百発百中?何でもランキング, Hyappatsu hyakuchū? Nandemo Rankingu ?).018: Poisoned Love Chocolates ( 愛のチョコには毒がある, Ai no choko ni wa doku ga aru ?).

012: Training Teacher! Strengthening Program ( 師の訓練!強化プログラム, Shi no kunren! Kyōka puroguramu ?).011: The Dumpling Bun of Love and Death ( 愛と死の餃子まん!?, Ai to Shi no Gyōza-man!?).010: Gahaha! The Exploding Lunchbox! ( ガハハ!爆発する弁当箱!, Gahaha! Bakuhatsu suru bentōbako! ?).009: Short Life Skull Disease ( 命短し ドクロ病, Inochi Mijikashi Dokuro-byou ?).

It began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on October 7, 2006.
This is a list of all current episodes of the anime adaptation of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series by Akira Amano.